It’s War... Russia invaded Ukraine, sending commodity spot markets and bonds higher while pushing general equities lower at the outset. What it means— The Russians gave us some great one-liners ...
Week In Review – February 15 2021
Oil Prices Push Inflation Up 0.3% in January… Even with the gains last month, annual inflation remained steady at 1.4%. What it means— The cost of gasoline shot up 7.4% last month, as energy prices ...
Week In Review – April 27 2020
4.43 Million Americans File Initial Jobless Claims… The additional jobless claims bring the five-week total to more than 26 million. What it means – With the more than four million people who were ...
Week In Review – April 13 2020
Federal Reserve Develops $2.3 Trillion Program to Support Households and Local Governments… Building on its Main Street Lending Program, the central bank announced that more entities would be eligible ...
Week In Review – April 6 2020
The U.S. Lost 701,000 Jobs in March, Unemployment Up to 4.4%… After two weeks of unemployment claims that topped 10 million, the unemployment rate started to reflect the effects of the economic ...