Central Bankers Might Start Talking - About Talking -About Tapering Bond Purchases… The minutes of the June meeting show that the bankers debated when it might be appropriate to purchase fewer ...
The world is about halfway back to normal
The Economist developed the Global Normalcy Index (GNI) to measure the post-pandemic return to normal. In March 2020, the GNI was 35 overall, with 100 being the normal pre-pandemic level. At the end ...
Abraham Lincoln’s Powerful Words on the Declaration of Independence
Almost two-and-a-half centuries ago, fifty-six great Americans signed the Declaration of Independence. It was a document that would change the world, but after the Revolutionary War ended, it ...
What begins with the letter “I”?
New additional hour of Investor Resources Radio, live on 770 KTTH every Saturday at 3PM beginning July 10TH. Give us a listen! What begins with the letter “I”? Infrastructure is essential and ...
Week In Review – June 28 2021
Fed Chair Powell Tells Congress Inflation Will Pass… In his regularly scheduled testimony, Powell reiterated that the current inflation is transitory and does not require monetary tightening. What ...